
Pro Sports Extra was started in 2011 by Trevor Uren. He started the website out of his grandmothers basement at the age of 13. The year before that he opened a website, MNNN Sports, which stood for MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL he decided to change it up – and that is when he came up with Pro Sports Extra. Pro Sports Extra has brought in 30M+ website views since then and has made a name for themself in the sports and entertainment industry.

In 2023, a lawsuit from Sanders Law Group for a copyright claim set the website and business back more than anyone could ever imagine. Leading Trevor to restart the website completely in May of 2024 and delete every single past article that was posted on the website – setting ProSportsExtra back more than they could ever imagine. The Lawsuit really caused a stir for a small business and if you’d like to help us get through this tough time, click here to donate!

Our Team:


Lead Blogger: Tony Ghaul

Blogger: NateDogg

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